Monday, December 8, 2008


So, does anybody else remember when that word used to freak me out? (How's that for a random phobia, Stevie-boy? How many Spocks and Heart Attacks does the word "operation" get? ;)

Anyway, now it may become a word that freaks out Tonks, too. Okay, so maybe not really...
But she has finally had the big operation which technically changes her from a "she" to a "sterile she." (No, having a hysterectome does not make her an "it," contrary to popular belief- she still has all the machinery that characterizes a female--she just can't get preggers)
She made it through surgery just fine- in fact, she was ready to bounce off the walls again by the time I picked her up in the afternoon. Of course, she is now somewhat limited for the next little bit, thanks to the bright blue fashion statement you see around her neck (apparently, this is actually called an Elizabethan collar- Somehow, I don't think Queen Elizabeth ever wore anything quite that blue around her neck... but who am I to nitpick over such minor details?)
Still, she finds plenty of opportunities to provide wacky, hyperactive entertainment, which is now all the funnier because of the collar...

I promise a more substantive post soon (I have fallen so behind on life over the last month, it is really just tragic- but things will get better soon!) In the meantime, enjoy these pics of dear little Nymphadora!


Steve said...

Now she'll be the laughing stock of all cats in Indianapolis. Awkward.

Peeser said...

Yes, Steven, you're probably right, but you still didn't answer my question about the word "operation"...

Beckie said...

Well, Elizabethian seems to apply well here, as I'm sure they are referring to Queen Elizabeth, the Virgin Queen, and now Tonks will def be a virgin till she dies. Only time will tell if Tonks lives to be a famous world ruler.

Peeser said...

Well, technically, the hysterectomy has no impact on her virginity- only the fact that I don't let her out to dilly dally keeps her "pure"... This just means that whatever she does with her body, she can't get pregnant (and fortunately, since we did the operation in a timely manner, I won't ever have to deal with her going into heat- thank heavens for that!

Sarah Lambson said...

I love the pictures! Poor kitty. And those iTunes posts aren't just for iTunes. It's for any music you have on your computer. So if you have media player or real player or the like you can do the same thing. Just go to your library and put it on shuffle and see what starts to play for each question.

Jeanne, the mom and grandmom said...

Well, blue is her "color". So flattering! Tee hee

Emily S. said...

aww! Kinda bad movie Space-Alien-Esque! She is so.... sheepish.